Thursday, January 5, 2017

UML for the display inconvenience capital bhitridaim

Kathamadaumsanvidhana writing, nine parties against the amendment for Advanced Power pradarsanasahitako Assembly district worker in Kathmandu by bus rirjabha bhitrna have begun to be felt .In the 1 o'clock in Kathmandu khullamancama janapradarsanasahitako have started to come to meetings for district cadre.

Constitution amendments that nationalist movement both in the street and the house carkaudai writing, nine political parties from power in the capital advanced demonstration program for the capital program for inconvenience bhitrna have begun. The main opposition parties on Friday of writing, the legislature-parliament opposition janapradarsana are nine. The government has registered in the parliament a bill to amend the Constitution unconstitutional, the nation and the anti-social harmony and ekatavirodhi saying janapradarsana nine parties and meetings, who are to be called upon to participate in exhibitions in many promotional nine parties have been preparing on Thursday. UML party office on Thursday through a press conference and demonstration of national unity, social harmony, unity, performance prosperous Nepal and to amend the constitution to vidheyakaviruddha has appealed to the general masses.

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