Sunday, January 15, 2017

This is how he Fishtail Air helicopter.

Kathmandu, Feb. 2. Fishtail Air helicopter acci!dent due to human error in the acci!dent investigation report pointed out that check.
Last August 24 in Nuwakot Fishtail Air cras@hed cuccebhirama forest-9 Betini 9N-ALA, AS 350 chopper pilot test research report on the state of consciousness with more confidence 9sicuvesanala Awareness 0 gumaekale acci!dent early conclusion. The deceased is space enough people were ki!lled. Immediately after the acci!dent, the helicopter air Haribhakta Shrestha, chairperson of the Department of purvamahanirdesaka four-member Acci!dent Investigation Commission was formed.
The Commission has received more than two months on karyaavadhi-month report is prepared. Detailed report will soon be implemented, according to the Commission. Ministry held today Chairman Shrestha Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation handed Jeevan Bahadur Shahi report.
According to the report, helicopter pilot Gorkha films Kathmandu returned, Nuwakot and Rs.four and cuccebhira region in northern Minister and the eastern side of the lower altitudes they expected nature, rapidly and generate a local cloud Chiri paristhitibasa to enter and to exit the narrow valley to use tact through your cloud rumaliera helicopter main feathers cuccebhirako rock touches the acci!dent potential due to has been presented.
Most of the acci!dent engine failure, it is also visible in the human aspect of the incident points to a weakness in this report, the regulatory body for civil aviation authorities and aircraft operators have also raised questions.
The helicopter cras@hed due to a technical error in the Commission Chairman Shrestha human nature, but also weakness because of the acci!dent and its regulatory body of the country.

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