Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kalakalaudo 22-year-old girl to marry after the girl, said to marry ::

A month this method obsessive and January Shukla Purnima day 108 seeks, 108 nut, 108 hearts, 108 flowers, 108 loaves of bread, 108 unwary with various kinds of fruit, incense, lamps, oblation, prized, sandalwood, vermilion, clothing, gifts, attacked desperately desires fulfilled Bhagwati might be given aghrya. Prasadamadhye offered all eight ÷ Eight husband, son, and the son of her husband, even though his friend wished to be fulfilled, if not the son of the son of Minister and his friend near the holy river that is engaged bahagaune obsessive method. Fruits and night vigil hundred loaves bratalu itself assumed.

During the vigil goddess stature is listen to news. This is the religious belief that if brataluko manokanksa is complete. Svasthaniko literally means the place where he is staying means that the goddess. He lived in the same place before the goddess worship is worship in situ. Yoga meditation as appropriate for attention uttarayanapachiko time svasthana that his spirit of faith is called in situ contact practice. For December, January purnimadekhi Shukla Shukla moon is considered the best time. White, yellow, trinetradhari, playful note, who is seated on a lotus and throne, four hand, she called the Goddess Devi in ​​situ.

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