Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 14, 2073 January 1, 2017 that an unidentified 10 vajepachi open and will be closed on January 21 that on January 8!

Hajuraharukai defeat is victory hand! ANA is needed and colleagues! Please share things without murmurings and again!
Bhotinga opening is now only two days
January 14, 2073 January 1, 2017, voting line on that night 10 vajepachi open and will close on January 21 that on January 8!
How to vote: If you are indiyama, mobile message box and send the messages to go TER writing number 56882 from any place of the world if

The GC welcomed the Indian ambassador and the song 'India says that whatever value "against the government, saying his welcoming applause accompanied the Indian praise s Nationalists fleeing How quick? Welcome to gitabhandabadhi harsh denationalization statement yesterday not even any angle! Though it was belittled what was desabhitrakai, you must take it to imply that expression of the Indian intervention was not.

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