Monday, February 6, 2017

Savitri Subedi government to question

Raut learned why dabbling in the game as vikhandanakarilai weasel-cat is a hero to establish aphanitic? The country's prime minister after the government could have bamca then quenched, so let at least with. The Madhesi tukraumchu saying that India is camcagiri. We are one and a half million, freeing the injustice that is that we are Ray. Of course, that would seek to make women prostitute purusapradana society. 1/2 because of the mistakes of the women in the name of majaburiko how you say that all the women? It is the country's honor to the President, Vice-President, the Speaker, the Prime Minister, ministers and lawmakers Please unjust treatment of women in the midst of an investigation. Madhesi society with thriving, hilly and mountainous ethnic sadabhav threaten to bring civil ft

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