Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Joint military exercises between China and Nepal News

Kamala village Parajuli her last asarayata 4 goat sold 50 thousand income. His den are still 7 goat. 4 of milking, she told the mother. '2 goat was me. 4 thousand loans with a lamb, Egypt. Slowly growing, "he said," the house of work, the pet goat what would happen after the income. "Women also a center for learning another 2 4/4 thousand rupee loans with goat's, she said. Significant income children sold to buy home appliances reached padhaunedekhi said Parajuli. "After earning himself the love of money, what would happen. After merging the loan money did not even harsh, "he said. According to the chairperson of the village women KHatri Learning Centre, goat and vegetables are lured.

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