Thursday, December 22, 2016

The commission report said the general public

Kathmandu - one and a half decade, (May 1, 2058 9) before the historic court mur@der case, should re-investigate the subject is raised as mantriparisadmai loud.
King Gyanendra Shah's public expression of the current political context through paristhatibare release on Wednesday the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, the ministers signed as soon as the court re-investigation into the mur@der, the facts are still the lack of public discussion by saying long interactive manatriharule said. The news today is civil daily.
The former Federal Republic in expression could be pointing to a serious plot they felt it was learned from the head of reprisal Gyanendra serious monitoring activity are to be put the vote.
Council decision concerning the immediate release serious as usual, be aware Gyanendra, a minister said the meeting concluded.
Then pradhananyayadhisako incident investigation by the Commission headed by the then Prince of facts by means of a massacre perpetrated by dipendrale a flurry of bullets and shot himself at the end of the report was given. The commission report said the general public are not convinced.

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