Friday, December 23, 2016

How he was brought under the proposed deployment of the Nepalese Army.

It is at once the international recognition and independence of India ejendamarphata seems to end. While regional organization as an accomplice to the sarkabiruddhako his agenda as presented SAARC, Nepal is a conspiracy to dissolving other hand, a state of Nepal from within the Indian prabhabaksetra neharukalina 'daktrinalai looking for restorations. The Indian led peace keeping mission bibiaiena (India, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal) like the idea of ​​moving the regional security suniscitajasto aucityahina, Nepal can offer their kamandabhitra stay is wonderful. Even more serious is that this proposal was once India had to keep adding to the security of the SAARC. But his lies pakistanasahitako SAARC regional objective is unlikely to be completed before watching, shark point in saying bibiailai increased.

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